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Thank you for your interest in our real estate investment and management services, let us help you explore and enjoy the endless possibilities of comfort starting today.

The Estate Management Service    Even if the owner has already migrated abroad, our thorough estate manager helps with the purchase and renting out the property, lets you cast aside the trivial affair, and give you time to enjoy leisurely.

Search for lessees   Handled by the professional real estate agent, our service offers market information to the owner and proposition of the popular tactics regularly. In addition, we have huge cooperative partner's network of real estate and customer's relation, and we can facilitate the trade in a timely manner. Furthermore, we help with searching for lessees inder the owner's discretion. We work to take your burden off so you can relax throughout the process.

Rent Collection   From rent collection and outstanding payment recovery, to settling sundry fees, repairs and property tax, our dedicated team assists in all matters. Owners can just sit back and benefit from their optimum investment returns. During periods of vacancy, besides paying bills and management fees on behalf of the owners, we also carry out inspection to ensure the premises are in proper condition.


Monitor accounts on the internet   Monitor all rent revenues and expenditure situations on the internet, convenient and quick.

Renew a contract and sublet   Monitor rent is being paid on time regularly, negotiate and renew a contract or sublet the property on behalf of the owner and lessee according to the market situation. We will handle the lease and relevant formalities on the related party's behalf.

Maintenance   Provide maintenance services of the property unit interior, and follow up the maintenance order that the government department send out, hence to promote your property value.

Tel: +853 2823 8399         Fax: +853 2834 0363 

服务费按每月租值 10% 收取
租值 MOP$20,000 或以上者另议
最低收费, 每物业单位计每月 MOP$500

物 业 中 介 服 务 行 规

以下条文转载自澳门房地产联合商会, 一切以该会之最新公布为准 :

第一条 : 凡顾客睇楼时,请出示身份证明文件及填写睇楼登记表。

第二条 : 物业买卖成交,买卖双方须按成交价各付百分之一(1%)的金额给予介绍之房地产公司作为服务费。

 1.  于房地产公司落订,买卖双方签立临时买卖合约时,买卖双方各先付服务费半数给予房地产公司,馀下之服务费于律师楼办理正式买卖合约或于发展公司转名完作时付清。

 2.  若卖方赔订或买方挞订,买卖双方仍须支付馀下之服务费。

 3.  买卖双方已付之服务费,无论任何原因,均不能向房地产公司取回,除非因律师楼或发展商反对该项成交则另作别论。

第三条 : 物业租赁成交,租赁双方须各付相等于一个月租金之金额给予介绍之房地产公司作为服务费。

 1.  于房地产公司落订,租赁双方签立临时租赁合约时,租赁双方各先付服务费半数给予房地产公司,馀下之服务费于租赁双方签妥正式租约时付清。

 2.  租赁双方已付之服务费,均不能向房地产公司取回。

第四条 : 有关物业交易之转名费、物业转移税、立契费、登记税及律师楼办理过契等费用由买方负责,至于交易前之一切应付未付之费用、债务、房屋税及地租等税项由卖方负责.概括而言,由买卖双方各自负责应付之部份。

第五条 : 经房地产公司引介睇楼后两个月内,相关顾客自行成交者,交易双方仍要缴付服务费给该房地产公司。

第六条 : 同业搭盘,各自收取本身顾客之服务费或按实际情况另行协商,但必须事前声明。

 1.  同业间一经引介对方顾客,事后于两个月内由一方房地产公司完成交易,仍要计回佣金给搭盘之同业。

 2.  同业搭盘成功,办理临时合约手续应在业主委托之房地产公司进行。

第七条 : 代理整幢楼盘之销售及市场推广之统筹策划等全盘服务,收取委托者服务费为成交金额百分之二(2%)起。

第八条 : 凡房地产物业交易未按行规办事,因而出现纠纷,可联络澳门房地产联合商会反映.  

Tel: +853 2823 8399         Fax: +853 2834 0363 

TEL: +853 2823 8399    FAX: +853 2834 0363

 301 Ave. Comercial de Macau, AIA Tower, Level 20,  Macau   

Office Hour:  Monday to Saturday     10: 00 am - 6:00 pm


鸿 运 国 际

地产牌照号码: MI-10000065-0

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